Grounding Self

Yes. There are infinite ways to ground yourself. A lot of them are simple visualizations.

The power of visualizations extends beyond this realm and dimension so learn how to visualize with love and see everything you come across turn to gold.


Here is another way to ground yourself when you are having troubles letting go of the chattering ego mind:

Visualize a strong material like a thick rope or strong chains around your waist. Then two portions of this “rope” attached to your waist to two large and strong cinder blocks (or another strong and heavy object), one on either side of you.

See these heavy objects slowly drop down as your feet plant themselves firmly on the earth.

When your soles are strong on the ground, see and perhaps feel roots grow from your feet and first (sacral) chakra down through the earth through all her beautiful layers to her center, her crystal grid. Then again like the other grounding visual, attach these roots to the crystal stalactites.

Enjoy the sensations such as tingly feet you may feel afterwards.

And last but not least, thank Gaia for providing this space and ground for you.

Always thank Gaia.

I never said it would be easy. I only said it will be worth it.
— Mae West