Cleansing A Space

Do I really need to “cleanse” my space?

In short, no.
You don’t have to.

In fact you don’t have to do anything you don’t align with. Your intuition will always guide you.

However, if you do want to cleanse the stagnant energies out to bring in the light you can always sage or palo santo your place to clear the ‘air’.

Easy peasy. Simply sage or palo santo yourself intentionally clearing your energy field (even the bottom of your feet) then go around your home in a clockwise direction bringing “light” smoke towards and in all corners of each room.

Or you can also try the following version which allows you to insert an “energy drain” to release old energies anytime you want. This can be done at your office or home or any place you are “working” :)

*There is only one catch for home clearings- it must be done prior to 3pm/15:00 your time otherwise you may not be able to sleep that night.

Before 3:00 pm

◦*Make sure you feel good (take a few long breaths with extended exhales to get to a clearer space)

◦Open window and/or door

◦Light/Burn sage 

◦Get smoke into corners


“I claim this house/office for love and light, All is well in this home/office, I invite in energies of ________”

◦Go to the center of the home (not the bedroom)/office

◦Face each of the four directions (W/S/E/N)and give thanks:

“Thank you energies of light for protecting the space, strengthening us, peace and calm, creativity and inspiration”

◦Look upward and say thank you so much for fulfilling us

◦Go to the ground and say thank you mother earth for providing for us

◦Visualize the space cleansing for the whole building visualize throughout other spaces and perhaps condos/apartments/offices

◦Air out Space for 15 to 30 minutes. Eat to reground or reenergize if necessary

◦Walk around the perimeter of the home clapping hands make sure to go up and down in the corners

◦Implant new sound by ringing bells or playing home clearing audio (sacred space clearing sounds can be found on Spotify )

◦Extend and visualize clearing as a shockwave going through the entire property. Bright light from the heavens

◦Epsom salt or sea salt in bowls in different rooms for a week

◦When taking salt out, mix with water and keep water running down the drain for a long time to get it out of the pipes in the building

◦Visualize a drain for the property (which is out-of-the-way of where you are others walk) claim the drain as:

“I am placing this drain so all negative and low vibration energies will go into it when I ask the space to be cleared”

◦Picture four pillars of light in the four corners of the entire property, anchoring the space from the ether down deep into the earth. Visualize a net from the ether/the heavens that lays across the pillars and goes underneath as a layer of light protection. Golden net

◦The final step is to stand in the middle of the house and say “bless the space and all who enter here” three times