Anytime Light Healing 

Healing doesn’t begin with anyone or anything else. It doesn’t require tools like bolsters or mats or crystals or candles. It doesn’t need anything. Healing begins with Self. Healing begins with YOU. Here’s a very great tool to have and use as much as needed.

Let’s begin.

Have a seat. 

Relax your back into the backrest and connect your feet with the floor. 

Let out a sigh or big breath.

Gently reach the top of your head/crown chakra towards the sky. 

Draw in 3 slow inhales and allow the following exhales to relax your feet while connecting with Gaia and her crystal heart center. 

Envision a bright light coming in through the top of your head/crown chakra throughout your body and exiting out your feet reaching Gaia’s core. 

Let it filter through and empower all the trillions of cells of your body, gently replacing and releasing all lower vibrations out your base chakra and soles of your feet. 

Whatever is released is drawn down and transmuted by the earth, by Gaia. 

Sit here and allow the light to also glow at least 1-12ft out from your body. Let your light shine bright. 

Remain in this light bath as long as it feels great. Envision the light becoming lighter and brighter as more light enters releasing all the lower, stagnant energies. 

When finished thank your body for healing itself and Gaia for helping transmute that energy. 

“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Drink a lot of water. And practice this daily. 

Questions to ask yourself afterwards:

•How does this make me feel?

•What sensations did I feel throughout my body such as feet, hands and heart?

•Did I have enough water in my body before I began? (If you’re not hydrated enough, this can be a struggle)

*if visualizing is a challenge for you, drink a big glass of water, follow the directions above and see what comes up by feeling instead of visualizing. if doubt arises, greet it gently and keep going. You are NOT your thoughts, you are your heart and soul.

The more you practice this, the easier and more powerful it becomes/You become.