You Are a Co-creator of your multiverse

  • Here are a few empowering practices to support your continual growth:

    • Ground yourself often- especially when thoughts can’t stop or you are craving sugary treats or overeating often. If you are already eating high vibrational foods (fruits/veggies/vegan diet) and still over eat, it means your head and body aren’t present and grounding Self will get you back into your Now *See “Grounding And Clearing” link

    • Daily energetic cord cutting which can be done anytime during the day but perfect as a bedtime routine or in the bath or shower to help bring in relaxation and “shake off” all energetic imbalances that aren’t yours. *See Energetic Cord Cutting” link

    • Earthing- go barefoot outside on the grass or take sea salt baths (20min minimum for both to receive the benefits)

    • Sunshine- on your face/body before 10am to help your circadian rhythm remain strong

    • Sun gazing- during the first hour after sunrise or before sunset. Just a few minutes will do wonders for your entire body. *Bonus points if done while earthing

    • Intermittent Fasting for 12-16hrs often to help rest your digestive system (aka “second brain”)

    • During full moons, if the moon is visible go outside and get some moon light. Do a little dance with her! Invite abundance in

    • During new moons, release all that no longer serves you. Let go of expectations and free yourself from all that holds you “down”

    • Say No- create healthy boundaries. If it’s not 100% yes, ask yourself what would be the most beneficial to your heart and soul. Doing so empowers your Yes!

    • Eat only when hungry- Listen to your intuition. Also listen to what your body truly needs for nourishment

    • Instead of morning coffee- try a hot cup of water maybe with some lemon and honey. It has the same effects of coffee and also helps clear the liver and gall bladder of old bile preventing (perhaps additional) gallstones *a good lover/gallbladder cleanse is always recommended

    • Get off social media- learn more about Self instead of looking to learn more about others. That’s how we cultivate our own powers and intuition

    • Purge often- Each season. Or summer and winter. I have a cousin with 3 kids that purges monthly and her home is always clear of clutter thus making every day easier to work with. Release all things that no longer bring you joy either by sight or by feel. Clothes, shoes, or things. Including people in your life that are dragging you down to their level. Own your life. (Marie Kondo™️ style!)

    • Women- create intention with periods of what to release (ex. Old relationships or traumas etc). Then watch each moon time be different with every intention

    • Nourish- your body mind and spirit with healing healthy foods, positive thoughts and daily quiet reflective time 

    • Before putting anything in your body, give it the intention that it was picked to heal and help you. Even if that means eating more chips and chocolate- eat with joy not guilt

    • DON’T indulge in any news feeds or channels. It is only there to instill fear.

    • DO indulge in meditation whether it’s walking in nature or sitting quietly without a smart phone or tv on. Just Be. As is.

“Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you.”