Is this right for you?

*at this time We only work with those ready to shine*

We can work together if:

  • You are already on the path of self discovery

  • You want to feel “lighter” and lightness in the heart/mind/body

  • You want to help to edit/rewrite/release old stories

  • You [will] allow yourself to feel all the emotions and ease through the muck to access your “light”

  • You are ready to let go of old cords with anyone and everyone


We can not work together if:

  • You are looking for an easy way out

  • You do not want to put in the work

  • You feel you are a “victim of life” and aren’t willing to shift

  • You aren’t ready to share childhood traumas or memories that still hurt

  • You’re just not ready

    ** Please note that this is suitable for those that feel like the right “fit”

**If it’s not the right fit, a full refund is issued

…read further down to see what to do before, during and after energy work…

Before The healing

Take a moment to write what concerns you want addressed. The more information and details you share, the better I am able to address your specific needs.

What information to consider in the email:

  • Physical ailments

  • Emotional blocks

  • Past trauma (*everything is confidential)

  • Past friendship/relationship/familial cord release/strengthen

During the healing

We will schedule the healing during a time where you can relax and have some peace and quiet. However, most work is done while you sleep for optimal release. I will go as deep as you or your energy body will allow and can take a few minutes to 30min+ depending on your openness and how much stagnant energies are ready to move out. Regardless, *start drinking plenty of hydrating liquids

To prep:

  • Have a large glass of water and another one or two close by and drink 16oz every 30-45min the first few hours after a healing (listen to your body’s needs)

  • Find a place to relax, sitting or lying or in a bath or shower. Any water is a great help to energy work

  • Take 10-20 breaths to center your Self first 3 exhale out the mouth with an audible “ha” sound, the rest with mouth closed allowing the body to regulate

  • Remain in a relaxed state as best as possible. Stress will close up your energy body and only allow minimal work to be done.

  • You may also walk around during the healing, such as in nature or even just around your home

Austin, Texas

Austin, Texas


Drink a lot of water for at least 24hrs afterwards and rest when your body calls for it if you are able to do so. You went through a big healing and a a ton was “moved” so naturally, just like after an illness or perhaps surgery, rest, liquids and a healthy diet is best for a swift recovery.

Be gentle with yourSelf. Gentle thoughts, gentle actions, gentle presence.

Everybody reacts differently to healings. Some are energized while others are depleted. Yet 99.99% feel lightness and sometimes with a release of emotions.

Feel it to heal it

As mentioned before, the healings given go as deep as the body and energy and You will allow.

You may feel emotional and “raw”. Surrender to the feelings that come up, soften the body to release the “raw” you may experience FEEL IT TO HEAL IT.

It may be foreign and challenging to choose to feel your emotions however, like everything in life, it won’t last forever. Invite it all the way in. Embrace it and allow it to move within and through you. It will dissipate almost as fast as it comes in when given the freedom to move about.

You got this. You can do this. I believe in you. You are amazing.
