Cutting ENERGETIC cords

Everyone and everything is energy. Emotions are energy. Interactions between people are energy. Trapped emotions are energies. It’s only natural that sometimes (MOST and if not ALL the times) energy cords are created and taken with you wherever you go. Regardless of how long ago a situation was, or when you had contact with this or that person, the energetic cord remains unseen and usually unfelt.

We can break the bonds of these energy lines that hold us back from our truths and our highest timelines and paths. Wouldn’t you want to be able to co-create your life with more space and grace? Then cutting these cords daily after interactions or even before bedtime will help you be able to feel more at ease. It’s a little visual that can go a very long way. And practicing nightly before bed will help the “monkey mind” find its zen.

How to begin

Visualize any cords between you and everyone you came into contact with or thought about that day (or just in general in your life). Visualize what the cord looks/feels/smells like then picture it being cut, burning off, breaking or melting away. It doesn’t have to be the whole cord, just a part of it. You may also say the words:

“I Honor and release any cords that no longer serve my higheSt purpose in all of tIme and sPacE so long as it brings me peace without harm”

Finish the visual with the words:

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! Amen, A-ho and so it is! It is DONE!”

The key is to visualize but more importantly to accept that we are all responsible for the energy we bring into our lives, and into the world.