
Myna’s energy is like no one else’s. She is vibrant. Her love and acceptance feels inclusive, unconditional, and supportive. Many times when facing a challenging feeling or situation, I think, “What would Myna do?”
Her gifts are powerful and she has helped clear a lot of stuff for my family and me. Her work, without a doubt, serves the greater good. I’m so grateful to have her in my life.
— Lyndsey, Artist and author
Myna’s energy work is amazing! You will hear that repeatedly, so I want to mention another level of her awesomeness- she really cares about those she works with. After a session, Myna lovingly reminded me to drink water, rest if needed, etc. She also messaged me a couple days later to check on me and my energy and sent helpful tips, meditations and other things that may be of relevant interest. I greatly appreciate the extra mile to make sure I felt fully supported.
— Jen, energy artist and creative guide www.jencolombo.com
I am an emotion code Practitioner that owes so much of my growth and power to this lady. When I think of Myna my feelings turn to honest, real, powerful and in love with life. I am forever grateful for this amazing lady. Not only was she a guiding light when I took the leap of faith to follow my calling but her healings have always left me with a feeling of inner strength and trust in the process of life. I like to refer to Myna as ‘the silent leader’’ As she grows in her own power I know she will help so many find their light as well.
— Russel Huggon, Emotion Code Practitioner
Myna is an incredible person. I can honestly say I have never met anyone with so much love in their heart that I bet shines up a room! Her healings have helped my family in so many ways, even my skeptic husband who now asks for healings himself sings her praises. Thank you Myna!
— Linda, co-founder of www.getjoni.com
I was first introduced to Myna through my wife. Quite simply put, Myna is an incredible person who has a unique gift. She is fun but also super intuitive and has an uncanny ability to uncover blockages and trapped energies. Myna’s a great person to have on your side to help unlock a better version of yourself.
— Steve, skeptic husband 🙂
Myna and I have been childhood friends for over 35 years. I live across the country from her and we haven’t had much communication for the past year. However, she reached out to me randomly and knew I needed something but wasn’t aware that I had been personally struggling with and working through childhood sexual abuse trauma that I had been trying to come to terms with for decades. Myna also had no idea I was going through some heavy confrontation at that specific time.

I didn’t ask her many questions about this healing she offered to me. I just went with it and said “Yes”. The energy work enabled me let go of the hurt, pain, resentment I had been holding onto. I can’t fully explain it but the strong emotions that I did have just started to fizzle away after a few months. I didn’t have that attachment to those strong negative emotions anymore. I moved into a place of understanding, acceptance and living so much lighter with a new perspective. Something worked, something shifted. Somethings are hard to explain but I believe her healing helped me to move forward.

Thank you Myna.
— Ginger
Wow Myna you are amazing!! I can honestly say I feel the difference. I’m feeling a lot lighter than I was before! I like how descriptive you were with how you did your process.

It’s like I can feel everything you spoke about in my energy and body. I definitely appreciate you for taking the time out with me.
— Chris Anthony, of chrisanthonytarot
Working with Myna has been fantastic healing experience. She is so kind, wise and intuitive. Every session has resulted in immediate feelings of peace and centeredness. Her energy clearings have also inspired me to clear the physical clutter out of my life, removing things that no longer serve me (relationships included!). This experience has been highly beneficial to me in so many ways and I encourage anyone that has the opportunity to be healed by Myna to take it. She’s the best!
— Katy, Hospital Social Worker
Myna’s healings allow me to feel safe and protected because she is so attentive and confident. Every time I have received a healing from her, I’ve felt emotional shifts and healthy changes in my body. I truly believe she has healed me and my ancestors as well.
— Rebekah, Family Coach
Before I did energy work with Myna, I was unsure, doubtful, wavering. Decisions seemed daunting. Her healings brought light to parts of me I had no idea existed. I feel such a difference in the way I carry myself, the way I break things down in my mind, the way I listen fully to my heart. I believe so much in Myna’s offerings that I referred my mom to her who then also received powerful healings. I am not sure where I’d be if I never had energy work done by Myna, but I don’t really care to know. This is the most peace I have felt in my life and I know a lot of it is because of her.
— Tiff, Cha Maker/dog lover www.tipalascha.com
You are exactly where you’re supposed to be.

You are exactly where you’re supposed to be.

It’s hard saying in a few lines what I feel about her work. She is pure love, pure magic, Myna helped me to find ME all these years and miles away. She helped me to connect me with the universal love and find out how I can heal me. She is the most wise person that I know, humble, caring, transparent. And I admire her work so much, because I always feel the light inside her, and that beautiful light has helped mine to shine brighter. I always call her, my Soul Doctor because that’s what she does. She gently directs you on which way to grow, and then heals you with energy and love with all my relationships, even with my beloved pets. One of them was sick, I was so worried and she told me what to do, now thanks to her I learn that we are connected and thanks to that he is now healthy as she is always there. Thank you so, so much Myna for everything.
Love, from Santiago de Chile!
— Cristina A.
Myna has a very warm, loving and nurturing energy that puts you instantly at ease.
She is able to sense energies and ancestral trauma from thousands of miles away - She did energy work for myself and my family and you could feel the immediate energy shift all the way in Vancouver, Canada when she was doing the work in Austin, Texas!
— Vasia, Tattoist www.vasia.ca
Myna has a unique ability and talent for creating harmonic patterns in the energetic body-field. With unconditional love, she very precisely senses frequencies where potential for change is possible, and offers resonant vibratory information that helps shift the field into new, supportive states. My work with Myna has been profound, and has coincided with major turning points in my life. Myna’s the real deal.
— Debbie, NES Health Practitioner
Myna works intuitively, from the heart, and seeks truth. She is a blessing.
— Tracey, Life Activation Practitioner
To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.
— Thich Nhat Hanh