What about me?


Who am i?

I am Myna. That’s all I know. I had many nicknames growing up and Myna Bird was one of them. I work with Light to help others. Thus, the name LightBirdHealing was created. Born and raised in Vancouver, Canada but now call Austin, Texas my (current) home. I live with my love, our two kids and the wonderfully lazy dog named Buddha.

The Beginning
The picture above may show that my life has always been easy and somewhat perfect. I can assure you otherwise. This picture is a result of working through a lot of hardships I had experienced. It’s been a shit show to say the least. I was a first generation Canadian in a house with immigrant parents that had their own traumas. Although the quiet love was there, what wasn’t was emotional support, physical contact or any* conversation. The silence was deafening. I envied friends that spoke freely with their parents and of peers that could talk to adults without feeling scrutinized or judged. We weren’t gifted any tools to speak our own truth to anyone. We didn’t know how to speak with kindness to others. I know my parents had their own upbringing and lineages which created how I was treated while being raised and I understand now, as a parent myself, that they were doing their best. But at the same time, I’m done make excuses for them. The imprint left on me from my tender years hurt. It hurt a lot.

Naturally, growing up without much affection or communication left me hungry for love, for connection and for acceptance.

I was lost. I felt alone.

I had no physical safe place in my preteens as my older sibling took their anger out on me with words and physical abuse. I was, although unknown at the time, an empath and physically/emotionally felt everybody’s words, spoken and not. I was always drained. It was rough.

The Now
But how those years of traumas shaped me. I am grateful to have learned and broken free from what was a confusing and hard upbringing. I’m raising my kids with more awareness and love and communication and compassion to break the cycles that came before me. Despite how I grew up, what I’ve known since a very young age was that helping others filled a big hole within, allowing me to feel the love and happiness that I never got to know. It made/makes me shine. It aligned me with my own heart which is where I now choose to reside. It was and is always so deeply satisfying helping others align with their own truths and the love in their hearts.

“What I heal in others I heal in myself”. what a blessing that is.

Seek The Truth Within

In this present moment, after much healing, lots of tears and moments of tremendous sadness,

I see light.

I feel light.

I ease into the light.

I am the light.

As are you.

I am lightworker, a healer. I serve humanity one (to many) soul(s) at a time by holding space for one to access and shine their brightest, truest light. I assist in removing all the bs piled onto you willingly and not, from this and other lifetimes and the lineages we come from. No matter what life threw at me, I have always wanted others around me to feel better. I constantly wish to see the greatest possible outcome for everyone.

“Life happens for you, not to you”

Now is the Time
I am here to tell you that it’s time to seek your own inner truth instead of asking or seeking the truth outside of you. Stop resisting the changes within and surrender to them. Stop trying to fix what is all around so you won’t be emotionally disrupted or triggered. What you are looking for and what you seek is not out there in books nor places nor foods or drinks, definitely not in social media or the news, and most certainly not in other peoples’ lives or habits, but rather within You.

Slow down your life by slowing down your exhale. Take one slow inhale, pause at the top, then draw out that exhale and feel the warmth of your soles/soul.

Connect with me if you want to transform. I will be right here. Right. NOW.