Do you have any questions?


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What do I do now if this is the right healing modality for me?

A: Click on “Contact me” and fill out the form. Then click on “Read Me” to familiarize what needs to be done to prep for the healing then how to recover afterwards.

Q: What other types of healing methods does this work well with?

A: All of them. From chiropractor to therapy to Self Improvement (health) guidance, to acupuncture and everything else not listed.

Q: When is the best time to receive a healing?

A: When you are relaxed or in the bath or shower (water is a great transmitter of energy), or when you’re fast asleep which is when I get most of the work done.

Q: How long does a healing take?

A: Energy work can take a few minutes to 45min.

Aii: All healings take about a week. I do work nearly everyday/night to help get all the under layers that are wanting to be released.

Q: Who/what can receive a healing?

A: Anyone, animal, plant or anything such as your home, cars or places. Even during pregnancy. It is safe to do on anyone and everything.

Q: How does a healing work?

A: This is a good question. I go to each healing with an open heart, fresh eyes and as if it’s something I’ve never done before. It’s all done from ‘scratch’ and not from memory. I first clear my field so I don’t attract anything that is being removed, then without any assumptions I simply go by what the client is looking to release and then take it as deep as their energy will allow to help them release the source of the issue (if it’s available to be released during that period of time). Sometimes a few healings are required to peel all the layers to access the core of the issue. I have a “healing realm” which appeared to me when I started doing this work. It is a place of pure white shimmery spacey light and the person I am working on is laying there in their 3D body, head towards the left and feet towards the right. I can see or feel energies and emotions within the body or see the body moving or see darker places around the body. Each “symptom” tells me about what is needing attention. Sometimes if the person, such as an empath, who has had a lot that they absorbed throughout their life (via words they hear, emotions they absorbed from someone else, things they see or read like the news, is contained in their energy field). I use visualizations to see this all and hold a space for their healing to transpire. I use muscle testing to find any places in and around the body for trapped energies or old energies that keep that person at a specific vibration.

Q: How do you “let go” of traumas or Strong feelings you experience?

A: Another great question. The answer isn’t “letting go” but to feel it to it’s core, as deeply as possible. Don’t figure it out- FEEL IT OUT. Letting the feeling move throughout your body to be felt. Once it is satisfied and has moved around, it will leave gracefully from your energy field, aka your body. So you aren’t letting go of anything, you’re feeling it is then letting go of You.

Q: How long does it take to feel an emotion that you want to let go of?

A: In my experience and from talking with others, it doesn’t take very long. At times it can take 7-10s and sometimes a little more.

Q: How do you feel the deeper, darker emotions? Isn’t that scary and hard?

A: At first, yes, it was hard to learn for me (and generally everyone) to feel it all completely. After a couple of tries of feeling the emotions, being gentle with the resistance created, I was and still am able to feel those energies vibrating throughout my body and it always leaves via a spot in my back. It’s really the discomfort, the knowing what the feeling is that we don’t want to feel. It’s the ego creating stories of not wanting to go there out of protecting self. So thank the ego for keeping you safe all these years then make peace with the discomfort. It is ok to not like the discomfort. Nobody likes the discomfort. Once we move past that resistance, the movement of the feeling/emotions doesn’t last very long.

Q: Healings make me tired- is this normal?

A: YES. Absolutely normal to feel extreme tiredness the next day for about half the day. While tiredness is a common side effect as your body heals (we shift the cells in the body to purge the lower or older vibrating energy that is no longer needed by you). The consumption of water after a healing, helps the tiredness pass quicker.

Q: I am so thirsty after a healing for at least a day, sometimes more- is this normal?

A: YES. You may feel extreme thirst. The body is intelligent and knows what it needs. Water will help flush out all the energy that was shifted out to make room for clearer, newer energies. Water not only flushes and rids the body of old stuff but it also helps bring new energy, new brighter light, into the body.

Q: How much water should I drink after a healing?

A: Drink as much as your body wants. Listen to it. A good rule of thumb is at least 60-100oz (3-4L), or as much as you need or want. Honor your intuition

Q: What do you mean by “cutting cords”?

A: Cutting cords is a term used to help sever energetic ties that may keep you in a certain vibration which doesn’t allow or make space for growth. Often the ties are with a certain person or idea or trauma. They aren’t seen but felt. Cutting cords simply frees you of things that are “weighing” you down like a big wet beach towel.

Q: Are these healings confidential?

A: Yes of course. The work I do I don’t usually remember the next day or the next hour after I clear myself of the clients energies. I am in it when I do them, I am present and they transpire with ease. There are things that happen which are hard to explain. Like a dream really, as sometimes you remember them and sometimes you don’t. I don’t dwell on any healings so I do forget them a lot of the times when they are done. This is self preservation so I can maintain room for my life without being inundated with all that happened that isn’t “mine”.