Eternal Heart Center/Pillar of Light

Co-create a world with healing pillars of light.
Empower Self. Feel better. mic drop*

Start your shift NOW.

This practice may be done seated or standing.

Seated position:

Have a seat.

Relax your back into the backrest and connect your feet with the floor simultaneously reaching and relaxing your crown chakra to the sky. 

Standing position:

Gently lengthen your spine/core reaching and opening the crown chakra to the sky.


Draw in 3 slow inhales and allow their exhales to soften your feet connecting with Gaia and her crystal core (heart) center. Visualize or feel roots from your feet and first chakra to grow through the earth’s crust, intertwining and melding with Gaia’s crystal core. The crystal Stalagmites and roots become One. 

Bring up the light from Gaia’s crystal core via the roots, through your feet and base chakra meeting within the eternal light of the heart. 

You are grounded. You are secure. 

Envision a bright light coming in through the top of your head/crown chakra to your heart center. 

Light from the ether and Gaia’s core meet at your heart center without touching. They hold space for the eternal light within. 

Let the light flow through all the cells of your body, igniting and brightening them with each breath. 

Say the following outloud or silently:

“I surrender to the light. 

I surrender to the light. 

I surrender to the light.”

As the light grows within, expand the light area around you as a tube of light. Reaching up high into the ether and down through the earth.

 Healing Gaia as you heal yourself. 

Remain here in the light as long as you want. Know that even when you depart this pillar it’s vibration remains.

Once you are done, give thanks to the light, to the ether and to Gaia. When you are ready, release the roots and light and be still for a few breaths being in the energy.

“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Drink a lot of water. 

*If you don’t feel quite grounded afterwards, maybe wash your hands and or face or do some earthing (walking barefoot on the grass). 

This can be practiced daily. This can also be done in different places to create more pillars of light and healing wherever you visit. 

Questions to ask yourself afterwards:

•How does this make me feel?

•What sensations did I feel throughout my body such as feet, hands and heart?

•Did I have enough water in my body before I began? (If you’re not hydrated enough, this can be a struggle)

The more you practice this, the easier and more powerful it/You become. 

* Gaia = earth